but with everything falling apart there is really a coming together.


perhaps one day destruction will rain down on us. it will come to our doorstep and force us from our house, the blown out glass in our windows cannot be patched due to the fact that the glass maker is also bombed out, even if he was able to work the currency you had been using is rendered useless. all around us is unsafe, our shelter gone our country invaded, family members broken and friends scattered. any sense of the ordinary gone.

perhaps a moment will come when a love would overcome you so greatly you can think of nothing else. you float through your day with one person dancing in your thoughts, sneaking moments to text and steal seconds from the day to meet or plan a future together. their names and images of them put you to sleep each morning and arrive with the sunshine that floods the room when you wake. worries washed away and an abandonment of all else while you think of a life together. the idea that you got to know them is enough to make you feel blessed and the world seem magical.

perhaps something in between happens. where we grow up and are given a life of work and home along with a mixed bag of chances and wishes. where we did our best to find a groove that suits us and make what we can while doing our best to find the things that bring us happiness and avoid the pain that is sure to come along with it. a life where we create and collect everything and everyone like words on a page, trying to arrange them into a romantic poem and preserving the places and people around us the best we can. things falling apart and coming together with an incredible randomness that from afar does make sense. a coming together and falling apart of everything all at once.