“Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult – once we truly understand and accept it – then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”

-Scott Peck. The Road Less Traveled.

its nice to share conversation. to stop and listen to others, to pause and let another person take control of a conversation. to help, to get out of our own head. around us is a world abuzz, an entire population climbing ladders and avoiding fires. the noise is incredible if you stop to listen, thousands of things going on at all times, multiple story lines coupled with an unimaginable outcome for each participant. expectations all over the place as we keep count of ourselves yesterday, our possibility of tomorrow and all the neighbours and friends we are racing in circles. inside all of us there is another race, organs and blood feeding an engine that requires rest and nutrients to power the ride on the surface. 

you could take a view that it is all good. that the ability to even partake in the game is a blessing. open your eyes to light coming in, waking up on a soft bed and getting to compete in a race of sorts. a chance to make others happy, to create creative and unique spaces for your family and friends and others who are in your circle. you could stand on shoulders and plan for adventures while marvelling in the magic of it all. a game created by geniuses and played by the few who get to wake up and pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get to work. 

or you could see it in a darker lens. a burden where a narrow few make it to the top and others till away to just survive. a place where sickness and sorrow are only a matter of time and even the air is tainted with the fumes of our overproduction in a world drowning in its own filth. an unfair and unjust reaction to an unwanted place where time is peeling away and an abyss of nothingness awaits us all. 

both ways come and go, like the breath or the weather. friendships become enemies and a stranger can come to our rescue. step forward, step backwards. push and pull. the sweetness of it all lie in the bitter layers of unripe fruit where time and luck favor those who are prepared to reap the magic that each day holds. dont look for the sleigh of hand, but instead simply enjoy the show. 
