a new week. new opportunities, moving the projects along and meeting new people. improving old relationships, moving multiple balls down multiple courts into imaginary nets. short term goals, we all have so many but rarely do we make them known. its what makes man so difficult to predict. our different agendas, and the myriad of ways we go about at achieving them. it makes me be nice to strangers, one reason is that i believe in the mantra of doing unto others as you would have done to you, but also for fear of the craziness that exist in every one of us. and the pressure is up there, the ridicule and pain inflicted on everyone of us, some weathering it better then others. where does it come from?  
overall things are fine. the clothes fit, the money is in the bank account and the kid seems to be getting a well rounded education. i say fine instead of good as there seems to be an underlying problem with everything. perhaps it is simply the noise from outside. the news cycles with their 24-hour coverage on everything that is negative. tear-gas, protest, virus outbreaks, kids dying, never good news. would not believe it if they did show the good stuff. its in our interest to listen to the bad news, to remember the scars and to focus on the glass being half empty. the sky is falling but we are going to be fine. like the fish in the tank, neither good nor bad. at times at the bottom of the tank looking dead, at times swimming in circles. 
i feel with surveillance i am a frog, sitting in a pot of water that is slowly being raised up to a boil. more and more thumbprints and pictures taken, more information attached to my user accounts. links about links of whereabouts, friends and programs. east germany would have had a hey day on the ability these days to track and record data. where would it end up? how can it be read? if you put on a white glove and swipe your finger along any surface you will eventually find dust. it is my argument against dentist, look for problems, want problems and they will come. why all the information gathering? what is it that we are hoping to achieve in these games and to what point and who is going to use it? 
the struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.
-milan kundera.