school is out, your parents are too old or they simply don’t care. your friend are busy with their own hustle, each day you have is for you too make or break. the consequences are real, albeit in seperate parts insignificant, as a sum they will reflect who and what you have become. your current surroundings, the language you use and how you treat others will classify you as significant or useless. you can take from this world or add to it, you can stay in your room and write letters to your family or poetry to your friends, or you can spill vile into the open web on the comment boards of countless sites. choose wisely.

don’t be a a saint. there are two sides to stand on. switching back and forth will cause confusion and one cannot sit on the fence for too long. the feeling inside of you will push you a certain way. pause a bit and think about the actions you will cause before you make a big decision, they will have significant causes and effects to others. pray a bit, think of a higher power. it does not have to be in any shape or form, think of a flood and you are a raindrop coming down on it, do you evaporate or add to the storm. do not be afraid to turn against the crowd and go a different way. if the sun is in your eyes, turn away. if it does not feel right then it is not right. that guilty feeling, regret, fear, take those to heart.

people all around are in pain. but more is coming, how we collectively deal with this is a test of mans strength and our own litmus test in life.

the end sums it up.