there are people all over the place. our population has risen so our shuffling and jostling for a place at the table has become harder, a seat on the plane and home in the neighborhood scarcer. we are all in the center, like each of the planets, imagining ourselves and the world around us circling around. the weather feels like a small nuisance as real problems of debt collectors and sicknesses stack up. our to-do-list flow with improvements to our lives. checklist await to make things easier for us, for those at the center, regardless of what is on TV or in the inbox. we are priority one.

our families and close friends take priority. for they affect us, their idea and state of being matter. we pamper or punish them, they are the world to us. if at unease, the rest of the matter outside seems insignificant. without a healthy disposition there is an inability to react positively, although a dying leaf or decomposing body can offer beauty in another way. we eventually come to terms with the way they are, with the thoughts in our head, with the weather, the outcome or the circumstance. we accept it all. perhaps with a bit of melancholy to accentuate it.


i am aware, of the things i hear, of the thoughts i have and the words i share. i see a time, where the music stops, where the action fades and the feelings halt.

i am aware, of the things i do, of the seeds i plant of the moves i make of the plans i plot. i see the good and the bad around, of the tale of the white chasing the head of the black.

i might observe, a typing self, a friend afar, a tone of right. or messed and skewed, a lighter mood, i am hopeful to take, a bit of time, to share to you, something i see, something i hear.