I knew all the rules…but the rules did not know me, guaranteed.

eddie vedder-

Moments keep passing and the clock does not stop. Time pressing us forward, forming us into shapes and situations we are to become and work our way through. Atrophy is what we are all avoiding, as we tuck our tummies in and do our best to sustain our relationships and our businesses. But it is the sun that keeps rising, rain keep falling and this is part of what eats away at it all. So we work to keep our bank accounts positive and our kids in order, we stride to arrange it all in working order. For many of us, it is all by luck. Nothing we had done adds to whether or not it will work out. Its a roll of a dice, each day we go emout and polish the dice and throw them against the wall and hope for our numbers.

When our numbers dont come up we have another chance, another day will come where we can attempt at a formidable outcome. For when the numbers appear the chances of them coming up again dissipate. Even though the odds are the same. In our minds they are not. When we are on top of the hill it is hard to see anything other then the valleys. This is why a country loves a rich population, they follow and obey more, they have too much to lose otherwise. Some of us feel this at work, in our marriages, stuck with the hands we are dealt we fall into acceptance and succumb to the fate. Regardless.

Tomorrow I throw the dice again, and later today I will alter the outcome of the current hand I am dealt. Often I reject its numbers, demand another try and play contrarian to the rules of a game that was somehow invented. Breaking the rules we set ourselves in necessary if you wish to win. Although god is fair there is alot we can do to outwit ourselves. To believe in a reality that does not match, we do it each time we wear pants when it is too hot or smile at someone we dont like. We learn to do it when we lose the match to a friend, resolve issues with our spouses or correct our actions when caught. Reluctantly we do these things, but never forgetting who we are and normally quick to getting back to our old tactics and ways. Its who we are and what we do.