Took a turn and decided to invest in the invisible. In the day of fake news, fake money seems a fine way to play. So I took some investment advice, took less then 1% of my savings, and played the electric money and bought 5,000 shares of ripple. I bought it because there is a song by the Grateful Dead with this same name that I always took a liking too.

It took me about a week to figure out how to buy the stuff, converting my real money into something based on, what one investor said, the hot potato idea. I watched the currency triple in the time it took me to finally get my currency on board and buy in. Then I watched it climb. Beyond the value of some firmly established businesses and quicker then anything I had invested in before.

So it is a tulip bubble, I feel the world is. Watching things climb, mankind has so many games we play with our realities. They are just games.

Alan Watts said that all that you see in front of you is how you feel inside. I felt good today, it will pass with shorter gains or losses tomorrow, but for now, it is better to be in the game then not to play the game at all. With everything. Over and over again.

Great song of the day.