a brief of todays thoughts.

it means nothing.

nobody wants to be blamed or have pointed out the flaws about them. they want to be complimented, to see the good side of the things, this is what feels better. to be loved, to feel important. we are complicated things. we want our lives to naturally come together, we are sensitive but act tough. we want to be heard, but sometimes do not want to be in the center of the spotlight. we want to be in the waves, but do not want them to crash on us. we want to be touched, but not all over and not by everyone. we want, so others want. if you like the feeling, there is a good chance the others will also like it. i learned once, everyone like cash.

it is energy. it gets people to move. it motivates, we use it measure things, each product in a store has a number allocated to it, if you give them that number you get the object. in life, each person has a number that will also get them to do stuff for you. save it, then unleash it on a mountaintop in the form of a lovely house, or use it propel yourself across the oceans and arrive in grandeur. obtain it by being smart, working hard and creating opportunities in the grand market of the world.

there is an idea out there that in order to feel, to be part of this world we also have to be subjective to the pain that comes with it. if you do not work at something, do not take risk, do not feel pain,  there will be much difficulty in getting a good feeling out of it. persevere or fail, fail and then fail better. it is a long race and we keep looping around on ourselves of yesterday.

1 Comment
  1. Atticus Hutchinson

    January 24, 2023 9:03 pm

    Best one. Dostoyevski and Bukowski with me would agree.

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