…like the four seasons, our moods, aspirations, likes and dislikes all seem to evolve, revolve and reside in a forever circling river of hope, despair and dreams. the days keep coming, season upon seasons, stacking up on top of you as you shed each moment for the other.

life and its infinite changes


it happens as you go from here to there. the chairs move, the music changes. pictures change, characters change outfits, the play moves into different speed and mode. the world has so many days, and with each day there are test where your peers and family must decide if you are worth the effort anymore, and where you have to prove to yourself if they are worth the show and dance.

then there is the ones you reach out too as you strive to get more metals. phones unanswered, messages left unread, like leaves rotting in a garden long abandoned. is it you letter or the messenger or does the reader simply not care to read it? do you need the praise? does the random connections you made of yesterday matter tomorrow? are these friends, associates or simply a chain to cross an imaginary bridge?

what is your word? your character and your name to strangers? history has proved it does not care about us, the lender of today might be bankrupt tomorrow, if you fault then does it matter? if we lied yesterday can we tell the truth later on and be considered an honest person? we have lied as a nation, stolen the land we call our own and revolted from our parents, how is that the greatest nation in the world?

i like watching the gal, her face expressions are priceless.