we create the problem.

it begins by wanting. a better life, more of something or less of the other. it is in this desire where the problems lie. to become a better person, better husband, better father. better then what…then us of yesterday or our neighbour or the person on tv. those television people make it look so easy. 

at the core of buddhism is the four noble truths, and the first one is the truth of suffering. we suffer in many ways. with old age we suffer, in dying we suffer and in sickness we suffer. but the suffering goes deeper. it begins when we desire. as we have cravings, we desire things. more power, money or other physical urges. when we get them we are satisfied, but only temporary. very shortly we begin to desire again. the suffering again sets in. neither pessimistic or optimistic, this is simply reality.

whenever our dream is met, when we capture what we want it is an interesting moment. but like most things, it will fade and fall apart. you start to think that the desire caught was better then the bird in hand. you stand alone at the peak of the mountain, the peak of your journey, and the disappointment rolls in with the clouds. your already in thought of the next one. with this idea, we are simply waves of energy and output in an ocean lapping at a shore. eroding a bit of sand at each moment, but more being placed in our retreat. piles of imaginary achievements left for only our current mind set to notice.