in front of us is whats important. our task at hand, the conversation with another, a book or a tv program. in a way it is us, our lovers, our friends, the neighborhood we live in, the task at hand is simply an extension of ourselves. the mood set, be it a rainy day or working out a complex problem, our reflection in the mirror and our general surrounding make up what is important and relevant from day to day.

best to avoid the shadows i remind myself as i surf the internet, contemplating the time left in the hour and where it should be used. plates are spinning in other areas of life, part of attention needed here and there. all important. our ability at keeping all the things going, relationships, home and family not to mention health and happiness depends on what do with the time left in those hours. each day like a lifetime, each choice seemingly harder and harder to make.

if the plates fall, will more time be left to do something else i wonder, to be someone else? can i turn around, or not show up? strange characters seem to be clinging onto me, choices i know i should not have made, adventures where even if i get to the pot of gold i would not know how to split. i have lived too long i think, these recent adventures were never mine to venture on. like a branch tapping at an abandoned window in a house in the woods, with no one stopping it, with no one caring it is even there.