have we moved on from our childhood or are we just grown up kids? when we wake up, big stretch. open the eyes, wash the face and brush the teeth. breakfast. then hide and seek then clean up time and onto bed. as we grow up we make the games a bit more real. we trade out the play money for hard cash. time out becomes jail. we have the rights to elect the teachers and principals who run as politicians and we gather in bars and restaurants instead of the school yard.

we still cheer for those that put balls into nets. we put on colors of our favorite teams, sit with our friends in the canteen and have our after work clubs we belong to. we have never really grown up, our transformation more physical then mental, we still pass the ball back and forth, take naps and play games.

eventually the classes had to end. at the end of each year the papers, test, memories and times are thrown away. each new year brings fresh clothing, new challenges and a different level of games. no harder or easier then the ones before, but still games. back and forth we pass the ball, cheer for our teams, try not to get scolded and attempt to win. playing mostly against ourselves of yesterday we try our best. although the trophies and ribbons or statues still ends up in the trash, we do what we can. we compete, we steal kisses under the bleachers and pass notes between one another. comforted when talking to moms and dad we still want to achieve things on our own, but we want them to notice. we want the ribbon, we want the recognition.