the mind is where all the troubles are born. out of nowhere, the ideas of more or less start to simmer. we become infatuated with a thought or an idea that lingers or a person and their actions fester and build inside to rage or fury. we attack or repress, we think of other ideas or moments but the pink elephant keeps making its appearance. the monkey mind will not slow, the dreams interrupted in the night for the days nightmare needs to get going.

at times, driving down a highway, there are thoughts of swerving into oncoming traffic. a simple enough thought with real consequences, a mad mans thoughts in the mind of someone quite normal. they are just thoughts. they will pass. this is important to know. they will pass, this all passes.

the only limits to our realization of tomorrow will be out doubts of today.

franklin d. rossevelt.

everything changes. every ten years everything in our life will be different, our friends, our health, where we live, how we look and what we do. each decade is almost a separate life. our interest, our goals they shift. our thought are no different. they change with us. like the waves, they are almost constant, but at times storms rage or the winds stop and flat water appears. let them pass. crazy thoughts on a ball of rock spinning 1,000 miles per hour in space. simple thoughts, in a room, in a car, in a moment.