its all two sided. break the rules and you get a rush, or a bit of a discount, but shame comes if you are caught. perhaps more then shame, depends on who the judges are and how much of a lesson they want to throw at you. follow the rules, the safety is all but promised, but boring or constraining. the higher the risk, the higher the returns. but also the higher the falls. each day we find ourselves with choices, to either continue on the safe path or gamble. we put our hands near the fire when we have too many drinks, cheat on the numbers, flirt with others, lie to our kids or speed in our car. all these rules, meant to keep us safe, meant to box us in.

knew all the rules but the rules did not know me.

Eddie Vedder. Guaranteed.

the there is religion, and our parents, and the law. all of these forces that keep us in check. nowadays, cameras are there to watch over in case there is an incident. its intentions are well, but the feeling of being watched all the time, by some force other then karma is another things. It makes me tilt my head and think twice as i run the yellow light, shoot off an off color message or go into somewhere i should not be. more imaginary fences, more reminders to stay out, stay in order, stay put.

i try to remember that the rules, like everything else, keeps changing. the board i move around on keeps shifting, new lines drawn and then look back and see some mistakes. you can also feel the lines, as your heart speeds up a bit when you are doing something you shouldn’t, your head spins when you are pushing other lines, we know the rules. for some of us, we love going over them, getting right to the edge. its where adventure lies, and its anything but boring.