is the end coming or are we simply moving closer to its edge? with the recent articles in my news feed i feel we are getting closer. it begins with the small things that go missing:

In 2014, an international team of biologists estimated that, in the past 35 years, the abundance of invertebrates such as beetles and bees had decreased by 45 percent. In places where long-term insect data are available, mainly in Europe, insect numbers are plummeting. A study last year showed a 76 percent decrease in flying insects in the past few decades in German nature preserves.

The article above talks about the collapse of these species and the animals that feed off them, it goes on to remind us:

The loss of insects and arthropods could further rend the rain forest’s food web, Lister warned, causing plant species to go extinct without pollinators. “If the tropical forests go it will be yet another catastrophic failure of the whole Earth system,” he said, “that will feed back on human beings in an almost unimaginable way.”

Then there is the reefs dying in Australia:

 In 2016, 30 percent of the corals died. In 2017 the reef experienced a back-to-back mass bleaching event, unprecedented in modern times. By the end of it, almost half of the corals were dead along two-thirds of the entire reef. As of today, there’s virtually no section of the Great Barrier Reef that hasn’t experienced at least some bleaching.

as we focus on politics and getting wealthier we are forgetting that we had everything already. we were rich in resources, we have advanced in sciences and technology, but with this advancement something had to give. as we burn more of the fuel from the ground and warm our planet up, the storms will get stronger and our resources will dwindle. plants and animals will continue to collapse leaving us with the ones that we manage to harvest to simply feed or entertain us.

as a nation we do nothing to address this, as this would not lead to helping our current affairs. why invest in something that does nothing to help us now. we see about as far ahead as our vision allows, for many this is only today.

i think the dying coral and butterflies is simply the tea leaves for what is coming towards us:

As more people fall ill and fears rise that the outbreak may spin out of control, experts from the World Health Organisation (WHO) are due to meet to decide whether the outbreak represents a public health emergency.

nature finds a way to rework things. as more and more of us crowd the planet, the obvious will happen. just like an obese persons heart will stop beating, a drunkards liver will fail and a weak bridge will collapse, the earth will do away with a percentage of us to reposition the balance that mother nature and the world need to stay balanced.