it is interesting to realise that everyone else is you. they have their own tribulations, problems, needs and thoughts. they also think their road is a bit special, that they are better off then most and that the world is sometimes unjust. the voice in their head also goes off, they have families and rivalry and for the most part manage to get by for the other choice is not too appealing. you come across them each day, its why empathy is important, they are also going through the pain we call this life. insecurities and a knowledge that death is approaching, the frontal lobe that we humans have managed to grow so strong is a trap.

lets suppose you could change lives with others, would you? and if you did would you be yourself, for this is the most important thing to boil down too. that ego sitting behind your eyes is simply synapses, nerves, moving back and forth to make sure you get your food and your sunshine. a reaction of biology, shaped by life experiences and nurtured along the way, the utterances that we begin to master is also a testament of the biology that we are brought up in. a true reaction to our surroundings, we dress like our peers, act like our peers, think like our surroundings and react in much the same way. in a sharp reaction they say most humans will act like sheep, moving in one direction or the other, you can see glances of it in the positive post in social media. what maniac would go about showing the low points of the day or show that everything is not so rosy. that failure was the most outstanding and significant constant in it all.

if you move the other direction you are counter culture. you are someone to keep an eye out for, a dangerous element in the development of humans. even if you are fighting for the good of mankind, the earth or something else, it is still not a good sign. their is so much right and wrong happening out there and people fighting everyday to correct it, while i search in vain for the meaning of this game.