a brief of todays thoughts.


the left is wrong, partially, with their insistence of social benefits that will bring to a halt the work that capitalism has so carefully framed. the right is just as wrong, forgetting that if they continue their selfish practices, their manipulation of the game itself, then it stops working. what is shaping up to be a pretty nasty election in the united states makes me wonder to myself if the system that is in place, that was supposed to be better then any other systems, is it any good? would something like china work with a strong dictatorship or meritocracy or self rule?

the media seem to are taking sides in this battle. fanning the flames, getting people angrier, writing stories they know will inflame the other side. it drives readership. the war is being seeded. like most issues, it will have to come to a head. with both sides calling the other vermin, haters, losers, there is little to bring them together, less and less they can tolerate on the others side. little want, little meaning. i think of the problems that have led to wars before. the anger and injustice, usually when a downturn comes. when things are good, we have no time to linger and worry, when things are going up we are too busy to scheme, to push, to fight. it is why all countries fear a poor nation, a place where the people have nothing to lose. this is when it becomes very dangerous.

in a few days the election will happen. one half of our nation is going to end the day triumphant, the other…angrier. we will not come together to heal, there is little in the cards to see the other side being fair. the symptoms of our sickness have come out, a solution to our problems have not. we usually need another enemy to deflect his built up hostility with. another foe, other then ourselves. perhaps it will be the weather we will start fighting with, a better enemy then our neighbors. we need to stop fighting ourselves, ideally stop fighting all together. such wasted energy when we all want the same things. like most wars, or fights, the kids will be the ones to suffer. our kids.

1 Comment
  1. E

    November 22, 2020 10:06 am

    Maybe this is part of the reason for the “state of things”: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/01/trust-trump-america-world/550964/

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