bumped into some tables today and bruised my shin, then I stumbled on a step i had crossed countless times. yesterday i hit my head so hard on a low column that i thought i was going to pass out and I had to sit down, take in the pain. sometimes the pain exceeds the pleasure, the aches a reminder of the life i had lived in the past. scars representing foolish times. I imagine if my body is ever examined after my life is gone that they will notice the fused fractures, the dental implants and wonder what life this man lived.

but to sit down now, the pain subsided, i revel in not feeling pain. how the absence of something has brought a feeling of relief. to do away with pain, problems, people we do not want in our lives, it is also a good thing. a balancing act, create problems, solve them, enjoy. hurt ourselves, get better, enjoy. lose things, find them, enjoy. some more games to partake in. ill add it to hide and seek, catch and the other make my adventure games i play on a daily basis. and if anyone tells me they are not also playing games, well i tell them to simply examine the lives they are living.

its best to be able to choose our games, but sometimes life chooses them for you. for instance the cold catches you or a deal falls into your lap. characters come in and out onto your board, you can choose to partake or not. each time you open your eyes the game starts again. today it is the decorate game and the heal myself game. tomorrow the art game and the secret friend game coupled with the collect my purchase playday. all games, some not so fun but others are great. those are the ones we keep playing. this is why we dont simply off ourselves. but keel playing, even though the chase is better then the catch.