we are all cyborgs..watch 1169..
when one writes does there need to be an audience? my wife recently asked me to dedicate more time and energy to my work and company, when i argued that the money we had accumulated seemed enough to sustain a happy life, she told me that his was besides the point and that i should work hard to leave a legacy. i think of writing in the same way. to put down in words, on paper, my thoughts on one matter of the other. whether it will find its way into other peoples minds and life is another step all together. to me, it is a matter of leaving something in this world i am passing through. that we are passing through.
when i am a guest at someone’s house, or when i work on a project, i try to leave it in a better shape then when i arrive. in most things i think this is a good thought to carry forward. when you meet someone, try to depart with them happier then when you did not know them. our beaches and our world show that we, collectively, do not have this same thought in the front of our priorities. the plastics are piling up, washing up on our shore and killing our marine life. like the fires that ravage the forest, the animals have nowhere left to run. it feels that over population is something that is happening in the world, and if this is going to happen people simply need to live with the motto of leaving a place better then when they arrived.

as a society with so many people in it, we need rules to help us govern. in the past this is where the churches too root and helped, these days not so much. it is being taught still in schools, but more could be done to help the masses remember the basics of getting along. i have always thought a modernised version of the ten commandments could be introduced to society, placed in front of court building and taught to the people. to all people. it would hold some of the older commandments, like thou shall not kill, but might hold new ones like thou shall not litter. the later commandments address envy, lying and morals, the first few build the foundation of the morality of those. perhaps we simply work on the first four and keep the later six? for the first four, simply state that it is for us, our children and our world that we need to hold these truths to be self evident. 

for those needing a brush up on the commandments, here you go.