at the moment i cannot see beyond it. standing in front of me are random people modeling for the camera. none of them are models, but this does not stop them from doing their best to pose for the camera. they are indifferent to the world around them, seemingly at ease with the strangers going about their days around them, or the families eating nearby. they are posing for an audience that is not me, nor the ones around, but are somewhere out there, to witness them on a phone feed or computer screen in a time and place they are even unsure of.

the here and now is gone for many of us. lost while awaiting a time and place we imagine will put us at ease, hovering somewhere in the near future, where enough money and time will allow you to rest and finally get to that passion you have been putting off, that project you have been delaying. its right there, you can see it, feel it, but try as you may you find you will never reach it. for like the pot at the end of the rainbow it is just a myth, so much better in theory, so much better in the chase then the conquest. so we all keep going.

best to know this. to realize that the game of hide and seek is just a game. then you can play it with abandon. you can catch things and let them go, sit on the side and let others play catch and marvel at how serious they all take it. you then put on your game face and get involved as well, tricking yourself from time to time how important that future is. that thing right around the corner, that perfect photo or moment or party or place that is right ahead of you, or when you look back right behind you. the past and the future are fun to ponder because compared to the now it can be anything. both in the way we frame the past and our potential to pretend for tomorrow.