a beautiful grace kelly at the beach

like the world and universe we call home, life can a times feel big and confusing. spinning in the galaxy, we go about our days searching for our bearings. most of the time, pushed in the direction that gravity had decided for us. picking up where the day ended, we go about our daily rituals the way the weather develops. the sun rises and so do we, on a cold day we layer our clothing the same way certain animals grow coats. we drink water, the same way the plants soak in the air and water from their roots. we are one with this world, but also at odds with it. 

we gather together in certain places and create environments more suited for our daily needs. we take the oil out of the earth and make plastic bottles to hold our water in, we live and work in controlled environments where we can manipulate the feelings we wish to feel. we rid the land of weeds and grow our meats in boxes. manufactured goods for manufactured lives. we fit inside this system, placed at times or forced to fit in due to the complexity of the system. a product of a complex environment depending on each person to fill their role for the advancement of the race. we build bridges and tunnels, trains and planes and signs for us to follow in order to reach certain destinations. phones allow us to keep in communication when necessary to perform any role you might have needed. complexity in an organised manner. 
the earth still peoples. for all that we do to it, we keep coming out of it. fires burn and floods come, but we manage to overcome the major obstacles and continue to grow as a race. a super race. even though we have hit the top of the food chain the idea we can climb higher still makes us try harder. we yearn to go faster, to escape the boundaries put around us and cure the diseases that ail us. we bicker with one another but recently, only on the surface. the fighting has lowered significantly in the past fifty years due to the fear of conventional science. we keep building cities, devices, fashion statements and tv stars. the pages keep turning, just like the storms above our head. the universe keeps expanding and so do we.