a house i want to build. 

speaking honestly to one another, sharing time for each to speak, laughing and enjoying each others company…friendship is great. finding a kindred spirit whom you want nothing else from other then time. the thoughts of it puts a smile on my face. is this the trick, to think of positive things and be flooded with positive feelings? i was told once from a friend who practices calligraphy that if he writes the word for happiness or similar characters he would feel a sense of calm and content. I never asked him if the opposite was true. when i read through some of my other post I wonder why the negative seems to cloud the positive for space on the page. on  a day to day basis i find my demeanour to be quite positive. 

avoiding the news cycle has been calming, it has taken some time to break the habits of continually checking the news feed but I would recommend it for anyone who cares to have a more calming life. news of burning forest and political games do little to our everyday lives instead of distract us with other tragedies. there could be another narrative going on, but that will not sell he papers. positive news is much harder to push then the negative. we learn more from our negative experiences, it is why we tend to focus and remember the bad more then the good. the bad can be the good, if it not that much bad. sell and repent. sell and repent. 

those last words came from a colleague who had that advice given to him by his father. they are fabric traders, and the idea was that holding inventory at any cost was bad for the bottom line, so to get rid of it, even at a slight loss, is better then to hold. and with anything, these words can be applied. let the negative thoughts go, find the ones you might have hurt and apologise and move on. stop holding onto anything. do not count your objects or your friends, the days are falling away like the leaves on the tree. these moments, objects and feeling are temporary. try to focus on the good but at all times…sell and repent. sell and repent.