a bit of life, snap shot of a book. 

how often are we grateful? when we are who do we thank and how do we go about it. as a child i was taught to thank and be more humble to the ones below our families position. the people collecting our garbage, serving our food and trimming our hedges. for the bosses or senior positions, we were taught to be very straight to them, offer no further respect then you would have for anyone else. treat them as an equal. the argument is that the appreciation is much more for those who do not receive it constantly, and the opposite works as well, those constantly being praised and having their ego stroked are the ones who appreciate a bit of a slap in the face to bring them back down to reality. 

the opposites. it goes back to that. on a hot day, a cold drink is the best. on a sad note, a bit of good news will brighten the day. a bit of reality is that for some reason the poles is where it is. and in between we flow. from side to side. 
from the other gardens we look across, from the others side of the tables we imagine our lives in another way or direction. its what keeps us growing. this yearn to be on the other side of the valley, to grow. in any direction. it happens with plants and animals and it happens to us. in our natural form we want to grow. spiritually, emotionally and physically. we want more of everything, while passing the excess onto friends and family. we don’t know why, we don’t know how, but we know. 

things bubble up around 4 minutes and 20 seconds