as with most things, it happened. an idea between one of us, to come up with a visual version to dance with the words. one where video and thoughts could meet, where others could participate in a project that took life on its own and people could read aloud the ideas collected here, piece together video that reflects or compliments the words, then post it. we have further plans, but for the moment we have made a first step.

it really requires steps. and these come naturally for some and never for others. these steps are just the start. in order to gain momentum we have to push. to work on plans that make something more interesting or intriguing to an audience of our peers. we wish for others attention. we all do. it is a strange attribute to us all here, to want to be noticed, liked, followed. it probably has something to do with significance. feeling that there is meaning to it all. something permanent. something bigger then us.

i thank ken aaron for the initiation of this project. our conversations and meandering banter lead what now is ten videos. in a small corner of the web another ember is lit. should it catch on is anyones guess. it might now, or later, or never. but we did it. we put out necks out, taped and posted it. placed ourselves out there to be judged or ignored, mocked or followed. we walked across the bar and said hello to the lady sitting alone at the end of the bar. we did it with no other reason then she was alone and it might be nice. we did it because we had too. we wanted to start the game, and we will keep doing it until the ember goes out completely, until she no longer responds or we no longer can.

our channel can be found here, please enjoy: