the world cup buzzes on… tv stations around the world air the show as the teams compete with one another. crowds yell and scream in unison as grown men, in far away places, kick a ball towards each others goals in an attempt to put the ball inside as the competing teams goals, the other team effortlessly try to block them from reaching their goals. the teams are divided by the countries that the players are from, and for a brief period players are put together and countries compete to win the final games against one another. i wish i could feel the excitement others feel when they watch intently and cheer for their favorite players and teams. i am missing out on something as my mood stays constant no matter who wins or loses and could care less who is playing who and at what time. it is a feeling, or lack of it, for sports that I have felt most of my life, that brings a bit of sadness to me when i think of what i could have had. try as a i might to get excited, the teams and the competition peak no interest and faking it is as hard as reading a book i do not like or eating a type of food i do not like. try as i might, i cannot feel the passion others feel by watching men compete to score points by playing with balls and nets.


gangs of crowds, acting like animals, breaking things and causing harm to anything or anyone. attempting to overturn the tables, the seething anger that comes from rioters typically are misdirected and end up in random violence and looting. riots are pretty bad things. contained properly, caught early enough and things do not turn bad. left out of control, the fallout and destruction can be like war zone, things in its path left to waste and scarred earth left smouldering.  the recent riots in haiti has shown us that the people on the surface are not content, right under the surface things can boil out of control.  tribes form and chaos ensures.


we all must get along and play in the rules of each others games in society. bankers have done a good job, dressing similar and creating rules and regulations that others must play along with if they want to partake. if you want to be one of them, dress the part and get in on the dance. it is true all over, with the bearded professors with their cardigan sweaters, hipster coffee shop kids or loose fitting pant hoodlums doing their best to fit in. a society that aims to stick together begins in appearance. the actions and words follow. fit in or get out. if you find yourself in the later, rest assured, their are plenty of other groups to join in on.

watch for the guy passed out on the chair in the back during the performance. a great view into the 70s times.