towards the end of life one starts to really take hold. grasping at the last moments, unable to let go, we all want to stay a bit longer. yearning for as much of this thing called life…yet all along the way we wasted so much. we filled it with senseless games that we knew would not go anywhere, consumed ourselves with people we barely were interested in, sat through hours of things we wish were not part of and lets not even count the hours in front of the tv and computer. if we truly felt that time was so precious, so important, why would we let ourselves do such foolish things? did we not know better, did we not value our time did we even consider?

the pareto principal states that 20 percent of our outcome comes from 100 percent of our effort. that 80 percent is wasted, in relationships in work and in life. 20 percent of a population will hold 80 percent of its land and wealth, 20 percent of a given problem will cause 80 percent of faults in a computer. its impossible to grasp where the 80/20 lies, it is why we spend so much time in the office, in a relationship in any effort at all trying all along the way. we drive far away to destinations only to use so little of the time there to truly relax. its why we cant use our time any wiser, but we could allocate a bit more of it in this idea that it is evaporating. and at a quicker rate then it did the day before.

our life is moving quicker since the proportions are going down. a day in your life tomorrow is slightly less in proportion to your total days alive then yesterday. each one coming in a bit quicker, less of a finite resource. and how might we spend it? fixating on problems, daydreaming on what could have been. does it matter if so much is to waste. in the future or in the past we play, and every now and then settle right here and right now on what you want to say and do. on who you want to see and what you would say. its nice to play on time, to waste is to truly enjoy. bouncing an imaginary ball foreword and putting it into nets of our making is what we are doing all along. where is the waste when it is all a game.