is there a need to make sure the herd or the species is taken care of? what about the land we are all standing on? should the laughter or tears of a neighbour be taken into consideration? do i wait to start eating until everyone has sat at the table and do those rules fundamentally change during a catastrophe? 
it was another moment that you have to come too, as the meat gets colder on the table, waiting patiently for everyone to take their place. the rules of life and civility once again getting in the way of a hot cooked meal. for what. what lessons am i to take away? what does respect and waiting for the last person to sit down have to do with my participation in this group experiment where our population rises without anyone calling on things to slow down. i feel its better the last person to sit down is executed, keep the group fast, make sure everyone sits on time. 
and as i wait, i wonder if the people we are saving in spades are going to end up crashing this party we have going on in earth anyways. people are good, but an empty swimming pool is better then a crowded one, and why do we need all these others? Filling up the seats on the plane, creating unnecessary lines, holding on for their last breath on this earth. eating up resources the lot of them. 
but i am them. with nothing good to add to society, eating the resources the same, charging rents, being the landlord. at what purpose is my own? a guess at it all might say that we all serve some greater good, or evil, part of the food chain i imagine. parts in a greater system serving all while serving none. each car belongs to another family, each house another life or lives, each piece of clothing stitched for some soul to eventually inhabit. 
the rice is grown by one person, harvested by another, prepared by someone else, served to one to another, then digested and deposited into another set of tubes to get transported somewhere fare away. 

Filling up the seats on the plane, creating unnecessary lines, holding on for their last breath on this earth. eating up resources the lot of them. and living too long. there should be a cap on it all, say 65, then its over. keep the hospital beds and resources for the young. leaves me 20 more years. plenty.