Underneath the gasket is about to blow. We have to release our pent up energy, our angst and our frustrations with this world. the friction builds. It usually comes to a point where we snap, the pressure is released and we continue on with our life. But where does this energy go when we blow up? Is it dissipated on the ones were up in front of or does it escape into the environment? Is there a finite amount of energy or does it keep building up? Is it from the Sun?

Tension is caused by friction and can be found when two things are rubbing up against one another. When there is an imbalance in place and things are not going as per ones expectations. best to place a lubricant to let the tension settle, something that would make the back and forth not so abrasive. To give a part or time to each party, or compromise a bit, to let things settle.  

Muddy water is made clear by letting sentiment settle. By leaving things alone tensions also settle. Breathing, counting to ten, walking away these also are options to remove frustrations and tension. By removing yourself from a situation, a cooling down period can begin that allows another party to breath. or by accepting things as they are and going with it, tension will also fade. build up, then fade again and occasionally blow up again. It needs to escape somewhere.