today i chase the tail. i am sure i can catch it this time. im sure if i simply turn a certain way, and speed up in the last second i can grab it and stop circling. i know it. i wake earlier, best to get a big breakfast under the belt. i then go out into the day, heading to the office, all the while knowing i will not spend too much time there, and as soon as i enter into my space, i see my workers and away i go. i chase my tail. i bark orders in random sequences, my staff watch in both terror and suspension to see if this is the day i catch it. i do not, they understand, get back to their work at hand while i wander out and proceed to get to lunch.

in the meal time i have some interesting banter with someone new. someone with ideas i have not heard before, someone who tells me about things and places i am not too familiar with…all the time i am aware that the tail is there, right behind me, right for the taking, but i am patient. i continue to listen to the banter of my lunch companion, his stories of his good and bad of recent, i decide that this is the moment, i jump from my seat and run in circles, bouncing around the room in pure pandemonium. i have lost his attention and realize quite quickly, that my tale is out of reach, as many times as i go in this circle i will never catch it.

so i head home early. i notice some packages arrive and i take them out and place them in special places around my abode. i make sure to say hello to the wife as I tap on my laptop and read the news of the day. i see that the storms seems to be getting worse, but the stock market is up, my dividend has been received and my friend from another time has sent me a greeting of good wishes. tucked underneath me is that tail of mine, right there, so close yet so hard, i give it one last try before i go to bed. only to fail once again, with a drink in my hand i ponder the wasted moments, the empty stories and the pointlessness of it all while imagining the feeling of one day catching that tale of mine.