early morning. things seem relatively calm. there are problems, but the upside seems to be up. it is hard to keep focus on the good. the half-full mentality of time and life. hard to be thankful of what we have, over what we do not. constantly wanting to find the things that are going wrong is a trait that would seem one could live without. like a bad habit that should be dropped. but should it? an interesting read on why we tend to remember the negative and fixate it can be found here….


there seems to be a large divide growing, that perhaps was always there but not so easily seen. like never before the growing division between the two political classes in america seems to be moving further away from one another. like two siblings who refuse to get along, a silence has formed and insults are growing. knowing that there will be no net positive on either side does not seem to matter anymore. a weird type of tribalism. our side is better then yours, with not clear winner or outcome. who will suffer when this fight breaks open? our adversaries are lining up on the sidelines and egging each side to fight, knowing that chaos in this system will only enable their own system to look like the right one. 
no bueno.