gigi hadid…….

when you walk away from a deal, thinking you could have received a better deal, then and only then is a good deal struck. if one part walks away exorbitant, then it was one-sided and it was not a good deal. this balance can be seen as an important tone to take in society. if one side has too much, lives beyond the capacity and leverages the rest of society on its back, the straw will break on the camels back and thinks will become undone. 

“The idiom the straw that broke the camel’s back, alluding to the proverb “it is thelast straw that breaks the camel’s back“, describes the seemingly minor or routine action which causes an unpredictably large and sudden reaction, because of the cumulative effect of small actions.”
if things go seemingly well, i find myself in celebration. moving the bar much lower, i have found that if disaster can be avoided, celebration should be embraced. it is a strange feeling, something that has come about relatively recently, but its a feeling none the less. perhaps it is the disaster that is shouted from the news organisations that make me feel this way, or simply a manifestation of age. regardless, if i wake up and can walk and the house is not on fire, a smile forms. 
after a while the mind begins to change. like the body, it also ages. forgetting things, names and stumbling with moments of hesitation. at times you want it to rest, with its constant monkey like movement, putting it to rest with mind numbing substances, with consequences that come like they always do. clear and crisp it also has its problems. we have to be somewhat ignorant of our surroundings to enjoy them. somewhat unwise to venture forward with some of the things that become most rewarding and if we are too wise, we surely cannot enjoy the day-to-day knowing that it will all come to an abrupt end.