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“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.”

-alan watts.

you first must learn to laugh at yourself before you begin to laugh at others. you should laugh at your predicament, the family around you, your job and your life. laugh at your daily ritual. the things you call important, at your importance.  the world will laugh with you as you begin to laugh at those things. you will feel lighter, and the movement of things will begin to ease. laughter is close to crying if you think about it. laugh hard and tears will appear. it is this circle that allows our emotions to go around and up and down like the day and the night chase after one another. 

“We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean “waves,” the universe “peoples.” Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe.”

-alan watts

i like the idea that the earth is peopling. that the earth, this rock that has found a great balance of weather and elements, is now producing us. it makes sense when you step back, see the yellow people of asia, whose yellow rivers run through each of their continents, the whites from the nordic region where the sun does not make so much of an appearance and the blacks from sub-saharan africa.  and as the world peoples, we go about our lives just like all the other species and flora do. we build stuff, we destroy and we repair. we become a more complex species then that of our ancestors, just as all organisms have done since the start of mankind. it is a more elegant theory of evolution that seems to explain what and where we are from. 

“Try to imagine what it will be like to go to sleep and never wake up… now try to imagine what it was like to wake up having never gone to sleep.”
-alan watts
i know what it will be like, unless i get hit by a car or some other drastic end, i can seen the end. i have watched others wander into it. our memories fade, our perception becomes warped. just as we entered this space, we leave it in the same manner. memories flutter, our loved ones come in and out of the picture. we are in diapers again. at times happy, at others scared. we cry, we laugh, we lose our teeth just like the start. we are in a hospital. nurses comfort us. we get fed, we sleep. the circle is such an amazing balance to what the world is. it could not have been written better by anyone. start in a hospital crying, confused and in diapers…