sometimes calls get unanswered. is it them or is it me? are their lives too busy, disorganised or do they simply want to avoid having to deal with the issues, friendship or relationship i am attempting to build. its a struggle to understand at times, depending on the way one feels these problems can seem real if ongoing.

problems arise. usually self-created. our ambition to constantly change and make-better results in a transformation that often times creates conflicts. when two opposing forces meet or even when one part wishes to change and the other wishes to not, the shaking of the surface is similar to the earth when an earthquake comes about.

stepping-back, letting go, these all help calm the situation that arises from problems. don’t force…was a constant reminder growing up as I tried to resolve problems. in the middle of my life I am still finding that balance of calm and patience over rushing and pushing. in the middle, as with everything, is the way.