if we die, we are out, if we live on, we keep on running in circles. collecting ribbons, acquiring stuff and experiences soon to pass the baton onto our children or loved ones. around and around we go. we look back and see where we made mistakes, we look forward and see others.

the sun rises and sets. light and dark encompass our lives and we feel moments of happiness and sadness. a balance we try to reach. in health. in relationships and with our approach to anything and everything in between. too much of anything can be a bad thing. too little as well. if our oceans get too warm the coral dies off, too cold and they freeze. too many people and a nation will have problems, too little and other issues arise.

thus far, in my life, I have managed to find an equilibrium. it seems to be tilting but has not gone too far one way or the other. not just yet. eventually, the long rest will come. all will evaporate and the ribbons I have won will gently vanish along with my existence.