first love…perhaps not. 

can you control it? there are so many factors that make the sexes come together.  including scent…

“Why do bulls and horses turn up their nostrils when excited by love?” Darwin pondered deep in one of his unpublished notebooks. He came to believe that natural selection designed animals to produce two, and only two, types of odors—defensive ones, like the skunk’s, and scents for territorial marking and mate attracting, like that exuded by the male musk deer and bottled by perfumers everywhere. The evaluative sniffing that mammals engage in during courtship were clues that scent is the chemical equivalent of the peacock’s plumage or the nightingale’s song—finery with which to attract mates…(read on)

and what about our first love? the most deep, the ones we cannot stop thinking about even though we know that boat has sailed and the person you are thinking about is a different person from the one you fell in love with.

at times it is the idea that drives us crazy. this perception that that person will be different, perhaps better then the world you are living in. we dream and create perceptions that we know to be a fallacy, yet still pretend that our knowing is wrong. 
and then what? how can trust even be a factor if the beginning was built on secrecy and lies. how can you with any bit of truth speak of testimonials and have promises of eternal love and infidelity if you failed the first time around. and then, as time passes, and problems surface you realise that all along you were right, and that the rose you thought so sweet was a mistake, as the petals wilt and the honeymoon ends.