m.i.t. just announced they have been working on a device that you can wear on your head, and it can listen to that inner voice inside your head. the article, goes on to say that although the product is in its in infancy, over one hundred words have already been able to be deciphered and it is simply a matter of time before the device can understand it all.

that voice in the back of the mind is a strange being. it does not act in the confines of society, instead like your heart beating, it seems to have a life of it’s own. we learn at a young age to restrict that voice, realising thoughts have no consequences in the world as long as you can detach it from your actions. many a time we have these thoughts that almost scare us, swerving across the lanes in traffic, that left alone are simply thoughts.

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having a read-out of these thoughts could be useful if you are in control of them. left to their own demise, as meditation gurus like to call the chattering monkey in our mind, would be an interesting thing to see but something probably best kept to oneself.