mountain over diamond head. oahu. 2016

The moments at the top are the moments are the ones you should most be worried about. Find a moment in your life where you are happiest, and you will also see the point that it dwindled away. Celebrate and then recover. With ups come the downs, light with the dark and with this idea so many things can become clear. One starts to understand that the work we exert does come to fruition, that the moments we collect and push towards some end or means finds a conclusion. 

It is all a game, yet it is the idea of playing that we so often forget. It is the joy that gets lost, the yearning to win, even though we know these wins are futile, temporary and without importance. Yet we still do not want to lose. But if we lose does another person wins and are we that other person? To create happiness for others is in of itself a cause of happiness. When you take something from someone, even the win, at the long run it will hurt. It is in these battles that I question the point of it all. If I am plant growing in a garden shouldn’t I share the light around me and the water that is raining all around? And what is sharing? 

One constantly feels as though they are climbing a mountain, ascending one peak and looking off onto another. The problem with being on top of a mountain is that the only way on is down. This is the problem, everything cannot always be up. It is why when things are going well, it is a time of worry rather then a time of celebration. 

And so we descend. A dark spot appears on our mind, encompasses our life and thoughts and the good literally flips over. The further we go down, the further away the top was to us all along.