from a great day, to a not so great day. what where the differences? one was full of activity, friends and a flurry of stuff to do. the other was without a good night sleep, pointless task and confusing ideas of how to go about the day. same person, same month, but differences that swung from high to low. drastically. 
Miley Cyrus by Vijat Mohindra Easter Themed Photoshoot 2018 

all highs have the problem of coming down. accomplish too much, too early and life will level out the rest for you. the marathon is long, rest in one stage and you can win the next. when things are going very well, i look around and get nervous, knowing that in a matter of time the fall will come. god is fair as my wife likes to say.

so tomorrow i anticipate to be a bit better then today, ill go out and do things, have some friends coming into town that I can’t wait to see and the hope allows me to life my spirits of today. two steps forward, two back. the dance continues.