occasionally i wish it were easier. why must we keep making it hard for ourselves. as a nation and a world we could all get along, but we seldom do. as a family, we fight one another. the earliest stories of the bible had brothers killing one another over jealousy and greed.

add to this the fact that everything in its natural state tends to fall apart. our bodies over age begin to give, our teeth loosen our minds forget. the second law of thermodynamics states that in its ultimate state, things will tend to dissolve and is know as the law of decay. we are part of this law.

why write? to put down on paper, feelings, emotions, things that are of interest, for who to read? if a tree falls in a forrest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? so temporary we all are, yet it seems so real and important.

a friend told me the other day that nobody cares about the way you feel. he mentioned that the pain in each individuals life is enough to completely engage a typical person. that we have no time for others. if it suits our interest, sure. but only on the surface.