i have friends. some of which are kind, some of which are not so kind. i am not certain which one of them would have my back in a knife fight. in the most part i have lived a blessed life, full of leisure time and pretty spaces that i get to call my own. my height and build are attractive to the masses, it allows doors to open. i have managed to avoid major catastrophes due to sheer luck and a sense to sort of know when to stop. women have helped me achieve much of what i have today. lately the dim is starting to approach, the setting light on a life that is starting to pare back. it is time, in order to make way for the future, we have to step aside.

there is room to go, no shortage of housing or hotels or homes that will take our money in exchange for attention or a bed or a space. our child will run with the coals that we have provided, we have set aside a stack to keep warm in the event that comes where self preservation is necessary. we do not count on anyone other then the self.

the marriage continues, the idea that it will go on forever is both comforting and a bit downhearted in the fact that i have always questioned if we are animals meant to pair for life. i have never wanted to test this idea due to the fear of losing a chance to go back to the earlier idea of mates for life if the later failed. more travel awaits, perhaps grandchildren. the idea of death awaiting is a strange comfort in the idea that if not it would simply go on forever. one life is enough.

simplicity carried to the extreme is elegance.

-jon franklin.