Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge, known professionally as Malcolm Muggeridge, was a British journalist and satirist. As a young man, Muggeridge was a left-wing sympathiser but he later became a forceful anti-communist. Wikipedia

its always better to go with the flow. pretend you are going down the river of life, or even standing on its bridge and watching things come down river. if you come across a rock or see things ahead or shadows you do not like, go around it. if anything or anyone gets too uncomfortable, manoeuvre or avoid. do what you want, go where you want and try to remember that the trip is long. remember you have little control so accepting the things you come across and letting go will not be easy but changing drastic course is not an option. you have to preserve, sometimes float and at other times paddle hard. it will never come easy, but we only make the things hard on ourselves.


great short film via digg about oversharing below, kind of scary and good and bad all in one.: