what is real? if it happens in your surroundings, you saw it, then it is probably the truth. something in the past, written from a historical perspective, from the writers perspective of the event, is that true? and can it be created?

is the time up when news can be verified? if you hear a rumour and you believe it, is it already real?

can an army of soldiers stop the rumour mongrels? a new times article points to the inability to police the net here:

SAN FRANCISCO — On Wednesday, one week after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., Facebook and YouTube vowed to crack down on the trolls.

Thousands of posts and videos had popped up on the sites, falsely claiming that survivors of the shooting were paid actors or part of various conspiracy theories. Facebook called the posts “abhorrent.” YouTube, which is owned by Google, said it needed to do better. Both promised to remove the content.
The companies have since aggressively pulled down many posts and videos and reduced the visibility of others. Yet on Friday, spot searches of the sites revealed that the noxious content was far from eradicated.

something in the idea of an event, a blame on the person or thing, a perspective even, can change the event.

the failure of the water shortage in capetown, I have been told that the current government who now are deciding whether to redistribute the land, and bucked Israelis help to work on desaltification plants. what is actually happening anywhere, when we did not hear about it, was it happening at all?