is it ok to cheat? does dodging taxes, drafts and any other civic duty that befalls on you considered a smart move? if one can cheat on a test and get away with it, do you? climb a mountain and you will feel great, have a few units of alcohol and you will also feel great.
but it will be different. one will require work, hard work, and the pain that will come before it will be rewarded the next day with a feeling of accomplishment and probably a stronger body.  the other will make you feel groggy the next day, perhaps a bit of a headache, and a body a bit weaker then when you begun. 
god/life is fair. the hard work you do today will reward you tomorrow. cheat, take shortcuts and bend to the system will make you feel good now, but tomorrow…maybe not. after years of living, i am not sure if the line of hard work and those that buck the system is so well defined. it seems we live in a society that rewards and promotes those that bend the system the most, but that do not break it. 
hard work is good, but not enough. feeling good while having a drink at the pub is fine, as long as it does not turn into too many, and ideally you are planning on hiking up a mountain during the drinks.