how is possible that having a high-powered assault weapon for sale at your local sporting goods store can be considered an inalienable right of america?  if we were truly a society run by politicians to protect and secure the safety and prosperity of its citizens would’nt it make sense that a ban on fast powered machine guns could be at least brought to the table. is the gun lobby the only ones passing along money to the republican party? there has to be another option.


great video of a victims father yelling at the mayor of florida here, the sadness and anger are apparent.


the second amendment was written so that americans could not be overthrown by their own government. it seems far fetched today, and i fear a world where my neighbours are running the streets instead of the local police, but cannot imagine a time a war will need to take place for this power to change hands. 

i have shot guns, and took a wonderful firearm safety course with my son by the nra (whose home site now has a large article on the front page explaining why the media loves mass shootings). i have a license to buy a handgun here (hawaii has some of the toughest state laws and requires a class to even buy a hand gun, and all guns must be registered). i decided not to have a gun in the house for fear of an accident. i protect myself with a spear gun (still not sure how to load it) and hope of a civil and rich society continues. my son on the other hand loves to play airsoft, has ar-15 replicas and grenades that he throws at his friends that shoot plastic bullets that leave bruises but thats it. i dont think we need more then this. if the apocalypse comes i will not last long.