one of the best, and saddest videos of all time. it captures the days and months before one of the greatest musicians of modern times passed away. his wife died three months after this was shot and seven for Johnny.

the imagery and the words (original song is from Trent Razor of Nine Inch Nails) works amazing together. the producer, a well known music producer from warner brothers felt a strong need to shoot a video for the song after hearing the cover, and rushed to nashville on a red-eye to begin looking for sites even before mr. cash had agreed to do it.

one of my favorite lines is: and you can have it all, my empire of dirt.

it is shot in his abandoned hall of fame shop, opened at one time to great fanfare, but then neglected and eventually closed as the amount of people visiting waned and Johnny himself not interested in running it.

no one wants our stuff when we pass away, perhaps some small pieces that will remind our loved ones of us, but nothing else.

here it is described best from this article in the independent:

That idea would blossom into a heart-wrenching music video, that spoke about the transience of life, the gracelessness of death, the Ozymandian crumbling of an oeuvre and the decline of a genre, an era and an attitude.