the current addiction….

first thing in the morning, and right before sleep it consumes. chasing after headlines, wasting time and energy in pursuit of information that does little more than scratch a minor itch. very little appeal i find in checking the news feeds but it seems to be the current runaway tick, uncontrollable.

i have put in place the object needed to stop it, but am unsure of how communication will be with my friends and colleagues if i leave the world of smartphones. my nokia awaits.

then there is the issue of a diminishing attention span. the lack of ability to do anything longer than a music video, monkey mind jumping around compounded with the insatiable appetite of the news feed. a 21st century media addict with an attention span of a fish.

meditation helps. doing less to do more. stopping for a moment to close the eyes and watch the breath. clear the mind. let it empty. let the thoughts and noise move through it, unencumbered with anything that might hold the thoughts hostage and untangle them. like noises outside it all comes and goes.