leave for home tomorrow. has been a bit of a long month, but the work seems to have paid off and should have a new project to work on as the new years approaches. quite a bit one, high cost, high risk but the pay back could be substantial if it works according to plan. also gives the company a bit of hope to look forward to. a brighter future, I suppose.
this is happening while my other projects could use some polishing up, they all need a coat of new paint and some attention to be had on them, and i am addressing them a bit. but not as much as i should and not as much as i am paying attention to the new project.
i am forgetting my current problems and in a way, grabbing onto a new one. for i think that this is what i need to do in order to grow my current self and company.
it is what we are all after, a better day then yesterday, for our kids to have a better life then we had and for the next years bounty to be more bountiful then the last. and this is what we do as a species, we strive to grow and become better as a race.  just as the weeds in the garden try to outgrow the other weeds around it, as a species we are always competing with each other, and somewhat with our other selves. it makes us better people, by striving on new fronts and having new goals, we allow ourselves to escape the mundane today and go for a better tomorrow. forgetting a bit that we had just come from a mundane past to get to this better today.
a friend of mine loves to play tennis. for two hours everyday he goes to the courts and plays his heart out. he tells me this is the best thing he does each day. i ask him what he specifically likes about the sport, and he tells me that he simply strives to make each game better then the last and that in doing so, he escapes all his problems that are going on as he gets lost in the game.
so there it is, you are striving for a better tomorrow, while able to forget a bit about the pains of what is in reality.

good article on why we work hard can be found at huffington post here.