Had a productive day, reading, meetings and even got to squeeze in a film. Started with an amazing sunrise, and then a breakfast at the sunrise club of hawaii, a Rotory group, one of forty, based here in Honolulu.
The speaker was the head of security for a local airline and spoke mainly about the threats that they face on a day to day basis with people wanting to blow up the airplanes and the work they go through to try to avoid these things. It seems that there is alot of effort going into the protection of these flights, and if all we care about is the preservation of human lives (I think the rest could be covered with insurance) you would think there would be a greater effort into regulating our second amendment rights to bear arms.
According to Google:

How many people are killed by guns each year?
→ More than 100,000 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, accidents, or by police intervention. 31,537 people die from gun violence: ✓ 11,583 people are murdered. ✓ 18,783 people kill themselves.
The amount that die from terrorist on airplanes? Less then 100.
It perplexes me, and saddens me, but the sunrise made me not so sad so it was a trade off.
Im actually a proponent o the right to bear arms, I am also a fan of going faster in the airport and not having so many checks and searches. I think we need to relax a little, become less diligent in the screening processes. It seems with all the checks and searches that the bad guys have already won. 
Had a few meetings afterwards, one with a group that helps orphans in Cambodia, then with a group that works on public parks around the Pacific islands. Both non-profits that are for the betterment of mankind. Both plagued with various problems, but nothing good comes without a good fight. Or as Alan Watts likes to say, there is no such thing as a one-sided mountain. 
Also managed to sneak in a film today, The Disaster Artist. Great film about giving something your best shot, working hard at a dream and even though the outcome is not how you expect, it is an outcome none the less. We are known not for what mistakes we have made, but what we did. If we are judged at all. 
Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down. 
 — Vanessa Paradis