To the hottest pepper in the world.

Found a great website to spend some time and money on, this is why im’ broke and I was browsing around I found a link to the hottest peppers in the world, the Carolina Reaper.
I am a fan of hot peppers, so I went ahead and ordered some but started to waiver after reading the review below from Mr. Ferguson. His experience made me double think my order and wonder if bringing something so lethal into a house with a kid is a good thing.
Life is about experiences though, and I can’t think of something as memorable of bringing one of your five senses to the point of overload. The order stays.


Top customer reviews

May 12, 2016

Flavor: WHOLE PODS|Size: 6 PODS|Verified Purchase

I like to think that I have a high tolerance for spicy foods. I ate one of these on a challenge, which I imagine is the only reason any human being would willingly ingest something so destructive.

Should you find yourself considering repeating my mistakes, let me offer you some words of advice.
1. First and foremost, don’t. Let me propose an alternative yet slightly less painful challenge: Take a hot coal off of a fire and place it gently on your tongue, then, 60 minutes later, have one of your friends stab you in the stomach and twist the knife every 30 minutes for the next 12 hours. This is about the same experience as eating one of these peppers.
2. Clean your bathroom beforehand. Make sure your toilet and bathroom floor are clean as you will be spending a significant amount of time curled up in the fetal position praying for the sweet release of death.

Let me tell you about my experience.

I ate a whole pod out of the packet, instantly my mouth was filled with fire. After about a minute of labored chewing I was able to get this pepper down. Within seconds I realized I had just made one of the top five worst decisions of my life. It was the most intense feeling my mouth had ever experienced. However, much like Satan himself, whom I’m sure cultivated these peppers as it would take the most evil force in the universe to create such an atrocity, the Carolina Reaper is a deceptive bitch. For the next six minutes the heat and pain began to increase exponentially until hot was no longer a word that could be used to describe it. I’m sure there’s an accurate word somewhere, but it’s probably written in a dead language buried deep in the Necronomicon.

After about 30 minutes and half a gallon of milk the pain in my mouth had subsided. There was only a brief 30 second period of relief before my stomach began to feel like the human torch was doing laps. Within another 10 minutes I was on the toilet gripping my counter as tight as I could for fear of blasting off straight through the ceiling.

After this nightmare concluded my body had seemed to return to its normal state, I even had time to make a quick McDonald’s run for a much deserved McFlurry. However, much like the Trojans wheeling in their victory horse, I had no idea of the horrors that were to come. The initial pain I had felt up to this point could be described as minor discomfort compared to what came next. About an hour after I though my ordeal was over I was greeted, without warning, with a feeling that I can only imagine compares to having a infant alien mature inside your stomach and begin to fight its way out. I found myself once again rushing to the bathroom where my body initiated a full scale evacuation from every orifice. By this point I was in so much pain that I could not move, I could not speak, I could not think. I found myself curled in the fetal position on the tile bathroom floor begging for the cold tile to seep into my insides and relieve the supernova that was my stomach.

My significant other attempted to come to my rescue by checking on me and it took every effort I could muster to barely utter her first name in a desperate cry for help. Luckily for me I had her there to nurse me back to health between her uncontrollable fits of laughter. The recovery process takes about 12 hours and as much milk and Pepto-Bismol you can get your hands on.

In conclusion, 10/10 would eat again.