you cant go back and change the start,
but you can start where you are and
change the ending.
-c.s lewis

at some point it will get very real. a sharp pain or a dulling limb, some part of you will start to fail and fall apart. rot will set in, of which a medicine or therapy will be applied. participation in your favorite sports will be suspended, some friends will stop calling, sympathy will be an emotion you will start to encounter. the music will change, classical and jazz will take on a more somber and important meaning. days will matter more, even if they still hold little in terms of meaning and magic.

jolted out of sleep, an empty house and sleeping souls await. the silence belongs to you. outside of normal operations your surroundings seem a bit more fragile, a bit special. almost as if it was not meant to be seen, the shadows and shades play a bit of a game with you, a truce that the out of positioneed chair will not tell on your half-clad body as long as you simply leave it alone. its hard to separate the dreams from the real stuff when you mix up time and get up real early or super late. cloudy and a bit dazed, life awaken half asleep.